Wealthy Tahoe Landowners Discriminate Against Katrina Victims Because They Are Poor
(This is a Parody of Other Far-Fetched Articles Published in the Media)
(This is a Parody of Other Far-Fetched Articles Published in the Media)
Over the years I have heard the urgings to KEEP TAHOE BLUE. Through legislation and great human effort and sacrifice these efforts have been a huge success for the Lake Tahoe Community. This wealthy community has outlawed two-stroke engines in Lake Tahoe which has greatly reduced the pollution from the large recreational use of the lake.
I quote from the September 9, 2005 edition of the Tahoe Daily Tribune and the Lake Tahoe News:
If the last decade has taught us anything, it is that engines are designed to run cleaner, more efficiently and, in the case of marine applications, with a reduced amount of pollution discharge. The advent of more efficient, powerful four-stroke engines has made two-strokes a dying breed. In the case of Lake Tahoe, carbureted two-strokes have long since been banned. It is reasonable to assume four-strokes will continue to run cleaner and more efficiently in the future, but the agency doesn't have to rely on assumptions, it can test the water to ensure quality does not further diminish.
The limited studies performed in Emerald Bay between 2001 and 2002 showed a decrease in pollutants in the water following the two-stroke ban (from infinitesimal to non-detectable)
This leads me to the gist of this article. Where were these people when we needed them? There were no governmental agencies guarding against the use of these engines of destruction in the rescue efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Why were two-stroke engines allowed to further pollute the waters of the already severly damaged and frail eco-system of the New Orleans area.
Was this regulatory process neglected by state and local authorities simply because these people were poor?
Another point brought out in the same article was that Lake Tahoe wants to have washing stations for boats to prevent the introduction of invasive, non-native plants from other areas.
Was this same precaution taken after Hurricane Katrina. Were invasive, non-native plants introduced into this storm ravaged jewel of the South?
What disasters have we started by our misguided attempt to help the people of New Orleans?
Where are the people crying foul?
Why isn't this being reported in the press?
Again, may I pose the question?
Is it because these people are poor?
hey buddy, as a tahoe resident, you are WAY off. Tahoe regulations, which are governed by two states Nevada and California have absolutely nothing to with what the state of Louisiana does. You need to check your facts, minus 2strokes is the best hing for tahoe, removing feces polluted water from the Canal street is an other thing. KEEP TAHOE BLUE!
and another thing, your title to your post is pathetic...i wish i was a wealthy tahoe resident...but i am a no saints fanQ
Dear anonymous,
Of course this is way off. This is supposed to be funny. There is absolutely no connection between Tahoe residents and the Katrina disaster. I am trying to make the point that half the news stories out there are just as bad as this one. The connection between Tahoe residents (rich or poor) and Katrina is ludicrous. Sorry that you took it seriously. Look at my picture. Do you think that is serious also. My post on Permanent Records, Missing Socks and Area 51 is humorous also.
*being smug*
Well I got it, Pat.
Thanks for visiting. I added more to the title to make sure people would know that this was not serious.
I was also among the satire saavy elite. Oh, and what's wrong with the picture? I think it bears an amazing likeness.
Pat, there are Tiggers jumping all over your blog.
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